Numerology and the divine triangle number 63
Numerology and the divine triangle number 63

numerology and the divine triangle number 63

Rozental, Jul/Aug93, p46 (In Your Head)Ītmospherics (physics of the Earth’s atmosphere), A. The “Assayer” Weighs the Facts (Galileo excerpt), Yuly Danilov, Nov/Dec92, p43 (Anthology)Ītlantic Crossings (graphical method for motion problems), A. The Ashen Light of the Moon (the how, when, and why of a faint lunar glow), Alexey Byalko, Sep/Oct96, p40 (In the Open Air) Uteshev, Jul/Aug01, p30 (Now Showing)Īs Easy as ( a, b, c)? (Pythagorean triples), S. Kirkpatrick, Mar/Apr98, p30 (Physics Contest)Īn Arresting Sight (the stroboscopic effect), V. Vaguten, Jul/Aug99, p4 (Feature)Īrithmetic on Graph Paper (planar numbers, gnomons, Pythagorean triples, and triangular numbers), Semyon Gindikin, Mar/Apr95, p49 (At the Blackboard)Īround and Around She Goes (the motion of merry-go-rounds), Arthur Eisenkraft and Larry D. Leonovich, Sep/Oct96, p32 (Kaleidoscope)Īrithmetic Obstacles (analyzing the possibility of moving from one position to another), N. Edwards, Sep/Oct92, p52 (Looking Back)Īre You Relatively Sure? (relativity in its many forms), A. “Are We Almost There, Captain?” (Columbus’s geographical problems), Glenn M. Aldridge, Jul/Aug94, p2 (Publisher’s Page) Kuzin, Jan/Feb99, p4 (Feature)Īnticipating Future Things (science education in 2044), Bill G. The Anthropic Principle (humans and the universe), A. Stasenko, Jan/Feb99, p39 (At the Blackboard) The Annual Puzzle Party (report and samples), Anatoly Kalinin, Jul/Aug94, p56 (Toy Store)Īnother Perpetual Motion Project? (a feasibility foray), A. Kolmogorov (biographical sketch), Jan90, p38 (Innovators)Īnniversaries (satellites and science reform), Gerry Wheeler, Nov/Dec97, p2 (Front Matter) Kirkpatrick, May/Jun93, p28 (Physics Contest)Ī. The Ancient Numbers Pi and Tau (approximating pi and using the golden ratio tau), Jan/Feb91, p28 (Kaleidoscope)Īnimal Magnetism (physics challenge), Arthur Eisenkraft and Larry D. Paravyan, May/Jun98, p41 (In the Lab)Īn Ant on a Tin Can (finding the shortest path from A to B), Igor Akulich, Sep/Oct97, p50 (At the Blackboard) The American Regions Mathematics League (summer competition), Mark Saul, May90, p56 (Happenings)Īmerican Team Garners Six Gold Medals at 35th IMO (report on International Mathematical Olympiad), Nov/Dec94, p52 (Happenings)Īmusing Electrolysis (current thinking in chemistry), N. Gelfand’s project for high school students), Nov/Dec93, p51 (Happenings) The American Mathematics Correspondence School (I. The A-maze-ing Rubik’s Cube (a new variation), Vladimir Dubrovsky, Sep/Oct91, p64 (Toy Store) Feingold, Jul/Aug94, p40 (At the Blackboard) The Amazing Paraboloid (double refraction and energy redistribution), M. Kelbert, Jul/Aug97, p12 (Feature)Īlways a New Face to Show (theorems about polyhedrons), May/Jun93, p32 (Kaleidoscope) still works), Case Rijsdijk, Sep/Oct99, p35 (At the Blackboard)Īll Bent Out of Shape (a look at many kinds of deformation), Sep/Oct95, p32 (Kaleidoscope)Īll Sorts of Sorting (classification algorithms), P.

numerology and the divine triangle number 63

Nevgod, Jan90, p14 (Quantum Smiles)Īgainst the Current (evaluating fluid resistance), Alexander Mitrofanov, May/Jun96, p22 (Feature)ĪHSME-AIME-USAMO-IMO (introduction to math competitions), Nov/Dec90, p52 (Happenings)Īirplanes in Ozone (effect of high-flying aircraft on stratospheric ozone), Albert Stasenko, May/Jun95, p20 (Feature)Īlexandrian Astronomy Today (the method found by Eratosthenes in the third century B.C. The Adventures of Hans Pfaall and Fatty Pyecraft (questionable physics in stories by Poe and Wells), V. The Advent of Radio (why radio was invented when it was), Pavel Bliokh, Nov/Dec96, p4 (Feature)Īdventures Among Pt-sets (math challenge), George Berzsenyi, Mar/Apr91, p55 (Contest) Nikitin, May/Jun97, p46 (At the Blackboard) Feldman, Jul/Aug00, p22 (Feature)Īn Act of Divine Providence (Kepler excerpt), Yuly Danilov, May/Jun93, p41 (Anthology)Īdding Angles in Three Dimensions (taking a plane theorem into the realm of polyhedrons), A. AĪbout the Triangle (it may be the simplest polygon, but it gave rise to an entire branch of mathematics), Mar/Apr00, p31 (Kaleidoscope)Īlgebraic and Transcendental Numbers (2/3, e, pi, the square root of 2-things like that), N.

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Note: In addition to the articles listed below, each issue of Quantum contained math and physics problems, “brainteasers,” a solution section, a department called Gallery Q that tied works of art to topics in the magazine, a chess column (in the early years), a science crossword puzzle (from November/December 1992 on), and a bulletin board. You can use your web browser’s “Find” function to search by author, title, description, department, or date (see the format used below). The articles are listed in alphabetical order by title.

Numerology and the divine triangle number 63